Artist Research - David Hockney

David Hockney

David Hockney is an artist and photographer. His photography is done digitally and his focus is on landscape.  The selected images I have chosen show colours that capture the audience attention and a picturesque view and finally a subtlebusy composition. A reason I have chosen to study this artist is because his images have a unique quality, this quality linked with my selected title of Multiple Images.

The way he has linked Multiple Imagesinto his work is by the technique of cutting up an landscapes image and re-placing the cut pieces to the original images and photographing that as the final images.
Another way I believe he designed these shoots is taking a selection of images of the same scene involving different depths and different angles and at different times of the day, and with the selection of photos he has taken he creates the original image with all these variety of images.

What stands out from his final images is the character of them; the images almost look like they have been painted by an artist. This comes across by the high contrast his has added to his photos. The images almost look cartoon with the bright colours in the images like the yellows, blues, greens and red. Also his images are very structured, but show a looseness in his images, I believe the techniques he has used bring a sense of movement to his images, this movement gives the viewer a real feel for the images and also brings out the texture within the image stand out.

For instance the image to the left shows all the matters I have described above. The linear effect is created by the way the trees are structured in the images, another picture overlaying an image again and again then shows the linear effect is the composition of the photos by the straight out line of the images jagering the images normality.

What I liked about Hockney's work is the construction of the overall, I intend to come across this technique with my own personal touch to the images I take. What I hope to achieve in my following shoot to this research is gaining a meaning from my images the same as what Hockney is projecting from his, each of these photos I have looked at tells me Hockney is trying to say to his audience that everything of the natural world should be looked carefully at different angles. I came to conclusion of this meaning after studying the way his images were composed, as they all have different angles of the same scenery.

What I am in hope to produce after studying Hockney's work is my own personal response, I will complete one showing the same aspects of Hockney work on the landscape view, I will also explore the different ways I can convey the meaning of ' everything in the natural should be looked carefully at different angles'. One technique I believe I accomplish this is by cutting up and replacing the images pieces together, I hope this will give me an effect like the forest image Hockney has created.

How I Intend To Develop 

I am interested on how I can develop his work in my own matter, to accomplish this I will complete an shoot using today's surrounding of people and an Urban landscape. Meanwhile in progress on the urban shoot I will take and image of urban building at different manually with the camera and use the selection of images taken to completed an absract image of the original image. However with the human figures shoot I shall use the same method as the urban landscape but only use one image the select section from to twist, zoom and combine them to create an abstract picture. After completing these shoots I shall be able to judge which one was more successful and hope include the technique further down my investigation of 'Multiple Images'.

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